7 signs of Cancer that often goes overlooked

Sometimes there is no apparent cause of pain or discomfort up to a certain part of the body, which is also where most of the fine. Cologne pain usually does not try to understand why he did not take seriously.

We have a number of common health problems, according to a new study shows the risk of jukynsr but due to lack of information, we do not pay attention to them.

The American Cancer Society reports without any loss of weight due to being ten or more pounds this early signs of cancer can be. This symbol is usually gastrointestinal, lung or pancreatic cancer may be.
1. To The Stone
a stone in any part of the body Booking must be examined by the doctor. Be a tumor in the chest ksusakuatyn shows the risk of breast cancer. Add your breast self-examination and breast specialist to get noticed unusual changes.  

2. Cough or sound sit
If you have a cough due to the common cold or flu. If you continue to cough a long time and not just the name that points to the thyroid or kidney cancer. Be persistent cough is common and initially, these types of cancers prmhsus the symbol. 

3. Clutter in times of the purpose  
If you often suffer from constipation or diarrhea or pain furapyt to eat or have not set a time of purpose is better to consult your doctor. These symptoms often appear in colon cancer. Also, if you feel intense pain when kaakraj blood psab or purpose should be examined by a doctor to make.

4. Untimely delivery been sitting in any part of the body that happens arises suddenly pain. Every pain indicates a disease or problem. The pain can be a sign of osteoporosis is bone cancer.

5. Sharp fall weight

6. Bleeding 
cough is a sign of the coming of the symptoms of lung cancer blood. The blood of women with chest indicates breast cancer. I think blood psab kidney cancer. The minor bleeding may be at any stage of cancer.

7. Changes in the structure of the mole or Warts
the physical changes of this kind are hardly any attention. But the fact that Warts or changes in moles that could be a sign of skin cancer. There are several types of skin cancer are treatable by such. Therefore, if you experience any change should seek advice from a good doctor.